Over the years the Minnesota missionary team headed by Dick and Lois Hokanson has been known to make annual trips to Spring Village. Each time they bring a host of people with them some new and others repeat visitors to share their knowledge and goodwill to help build our community.
Some members of the team have been on frequent missions trips to Jamaica since the mid 80’s and therefore are no stranger to missionary work in our country. They operate under the auspices of Project Increase, which is a missionary focused organization with roots in West St. Paul, Minnesota. The organization specializes in connecting churches, ministries and other groups to short term missions opportunities in Jamaica. Their work is focused on meeting the physical and spiritual needs of our people through education, evangelism and humanitarian aid.
Lois and Dick Hokanson
Each year the team makes their trek to Spring Village, where they help to provide eyeglasses to the needy, teach academic courses, participate in construction projects and minister to the spiritual needs of those in our community. Their team is being hosted by our local Gospel Assembly church which is in close proximity to the skills training centre.
Besides the various work projects over the years to improve the facility at the Spring Village Training Center, they have become major partners in the establishment of the Spring Vilage Health Clinic where, they have contributed significantly to the construction as well as equipment for the facillity.
The Clinic will be operated locally but will also serve as a base for their medical missions as well as other visiting medical teams.
Each year their team leave their comfort zones to share the love of Christ with our community through works of service, for this we are eternally grateful.
Sunbeam Association For Mission(Peace Lutheran Church)
Spring Village Sunbeam Boys Home
The US Peace Corps has a long tradition of deploying volunteers to various corners of the globe as contributors to the wellbeing of humanity. Spring Village no doubt has often been the recipient of many of these individuals, many of whom sometimes spend a period of three or more years with us to contribute their talents to the building of our community.
During their tenure these volunteers work with our schools and other institutions in areas such as teaching, computer training, life skills, agriculture, building projects etc. Many have extended their stay because of their love for service as well as the hospitality found in Spring Village.
Spring Village is known on many occasions to have visitors come and after tasting the warmth of its culture have decided to stay and become part of our family. It is in that spirit in which we embrace many of these volunteers. They have extended their lives to us and in the end the result is one symbiotic enrichment.
Barbara Hunt
Jeanie and Kenn Miller
Claudia and Katie Post
Craig Erickson
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